Monday, January 29, 2007

Beach 2006 Memories

I want to be at the beach this week! It is cold and it snow about every other day. The van has sooo much salt on it, but it is supposed to snow tomorrow again so I don't want to waste my time and $$$$$ to have it washed.

No news to report on the adoption front. We are still waiting for our LID (Log in Date). Each day we are getting closer to you, Katerina. James is asking some questions about his baby sister being in my tummy. I told him that she is in mommy's heart and we prayed for her. I am amazed at how much the boys understand and already love the idea of having a sister.

1 comment:

Jen R. said...

You can live vicariously through me as I am at the beach this week:) (I'm sure that makes you feel better..ha ha)

You're boys are so handsome...I'm sure you can't wait for your daughter. (although mine is very rough and tumble due to my boy...they have a way of defending themselves)